Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Confused Words: good / well

Confused Words:  good / well

Good is an adjective.  It modifies (describes) a noun.
As the above examples show, the adjective good has three usual positions:
    1.  before the noun it modifies (good time)
    2.  after a verb of being (play was good)
     3.  after a linking verb (flowers smelgood)
In each case, the adjective good is modifying a noun.

Good should never be used as an adverb (modifying a verb). 
    Thus, the following example is incorrect:
As shown below, the adverb well should be used in the above example.

Well is an adverb. 
Well always modifies/describes a verb. 
    As a modifier of a verb, well tells HOW something is done.
               In the above example, well tells how Hans did on his test.

        More examples:
tells how Max plays chess.

            Well tells how Jan is loved by her friends..

In certain cases only, well may be used as an adjective and is interchangeable with good:
    1.  to indicate good health
            Both of the following examples are correct:


    2.  to indicate satisfactory conditions
         Both of the following examples are correct:


Both good and well change to  better and best in their comparative and superlative forms.
Use the comparative form - better - when comparing two items.
        Examples - better as adjective


     Example - better as adverb

Use the superlative form - best - when comparing three or more items.
    Examples - best as adjective
    Example - best as adverb

    Good is an adjective.  It modifies a noun.
    Well is an adverb.  It modifies a verb (telling "how").
    Well may be used as an adjective to indicate good health or satisfactory conditions.

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