Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Bear away Won
Bear down Overpower
Bear with Tolerate
Bear hard Press heavily
Bear out Confirm
Bear up Keep up spirits
Break froth Come out suddenly
Break through Fail to keep
Break with Cease to be friendly with
Call at Visit
Call to Address loudly
Call for Demand for
Call up Recollect
Call over Recite in order
Called on Paid a brief visit
Called out challenge to fight
Called off Divert attention
Take away Remove
Take for Misunderstand
Taken to Resorted to
Take after Resembles

Take up with Be friendly with
Take down Record
Taken in Deceived
Take in Comprehend
Take in Admit
Taken with Pleased with
Took on Undertook
Struck dumb Astonished
Struck work Refused to work
Struck off Erased
Strike up Begin to play
Stand against Withstand
Stood up Oppose
Stand for Present as candidate
Set in Begun
Set out Started on
Set off Depart
Set upon Attacked
Set about Begin
Set down Recorded
Set forth Explain
Set on Incited
Draw down Attract
Draw in Pull inside
Draw off Divert
Draw up Drafted
Hold with Agree with
Hold back Conceal, prevent the progress or
Hold good Applicable
Hear out Listen until somebody has finished
Hush up Hide , conceal (information about a situation
especially something bad or shocking
Hold over Postpone
hold out Last , continues
Hold off Away
Kept up Maintained
Keep off Ward off
Keep at Continue doing

Keep to Maintain
Keep from Abstain from
Keep down Prevent from rising
Let loose Set free
Let in Allowed to enter
Let down lowered
Let out To hire
Let off Release , free
Put away Discard
Put in Presented
Put out Extinguish
Put by Lay aside for future use
Put down Suppress
Put up at Stayed in
Put up with Endure
Put off Postponed
Put forth Exerted
Put up to Incited
Brought about Caused
Brought up reared
Bring out Highlight
Brought out Published
Bring off Rescue
Bring down Humble
Bring round Convert
Brought forward Adduced
Bring over Persuade to change side
Come off Take place
Come about Happen
Come by Acquire
Come down Descend
Come to Amount to, arrived at
Come at Get within reach
Come across Meet accidently
Come up with Overtake
Come round Agreed , recover
Got off Dismounted
Get off Escape
Get out of Free from

Get away Escape
Get down Came down
Get abroad Become public
Getting on Progressing
Get in Revive
Getting along Prospering
Get before In forward position
Get about Go about
Get at Reach
Run down Weak and tired
Stand up Vindicate
Called name Abuse
Held up Detained
Square up Settle
Cut out Suitable
Pare down Reduce indictment
Pass off Pretend to be
Bid fair Seems likely to be
Blown up Exaggerated
Set down To snub
Cut to quick Hurt intensely
Die out Disappear
Cry down Depreciate
Over and above In addition to
Work upon Influence
Casting aspersions Passing slanderous remarks
Look up Visit
Fall out Had a quarrel
On edge Nervous
Worked upon Influence
Carried off Killed
Tore up Ran up
At home Comfortably
Put across To convey
Cried up Extolled /praised
Put out Disturbed
Make away Steal
Make away with Get rid of, commit suicide
part with Give up, give away, desert

Play at To do something without any effort or real
Push off Go leave
Put in for Apply for
Send for Summon , ask or order somebody /
something to come
Make after Chase , follow
Brought home Emphasised
Hold over Postponed
Fall in Agree
Work up Excite
Rake up Revive
Hold out Resisted
Put out Irritate
Eaten away Corroded
Taken aback Surprised
Out and out Thoroughly
Hard up Not having enough money
Knocked about Wandered about
Cine round Recover
Went for Attacked
Laid out Invested
Standing off Championing the cause off
Drawn off To withdraw
Go over Study carefully
Closed with Denied
Bowled over Overwhelmed
Fell upon Attacked
Passed by Overlooked
Dob away with Abolish
Advise of Acquainted with
Dashed off Wrote
Act on /upon Have and effect on/upon
Allow for Including something when you are
calculating something or planning something
Allow of Make possible
Answer fro Be responsible
Be off Leave, go, especially in a hurry
Bear out Support

Beat down Persuade to reduce the price
Blow out Extinguish
Blow up Explode , be destroyed by and explosion
Bring off Manage successfully
Burst in Interrupt
Call down Request for
Catch up Overtake
Carry off Win
Close with Accept
Come in for Get, obtain
Cut into Interfere
Die away Become gradually fainter till inaudible
Die off Die one by one
Dispose of Sell, finish
Do away with Abolish, get rid of , eliminate
Do something in Kill
Drag on Progress very slowly
Drag up Educate , train , etc, very badly
Draw in Become shorter
Draw away Spend time in a lazy way
Drink to Wish somebody/something good luck ,
success or happiness , by raising your glass
and then drinking
Dwell in Think, talk or write about something for too
Enter into Start, open, begin to discuss or deal with
some thing or sympathize with
Explain away Show why one should not be blamed for a
fault , mistake etc.
Fall on /upon Attack violently
Feel for Search with the hands
Get out Circulate, spread, gradually
Get along Manage
Get at Reach
Get down Swallow
Get in Reach ,arrive
Get round Persuade somebody , make contact with
Go for Attacked
Go through Pass through ,be approved , be passed

Leave off Stop
Clear out Go, away, leave

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