Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Idioms and Phrases part 5

A damsel in distress A helpless woman
At case Easily
Acquainted with To meet someone
To catch a tartar To deal with someone or something that
proves unexpectedly troublesome or powerful
Clean breast Confessed without reserve
At close quarters Close examinations
As fit as fiddle Strong and healthy
At a loose end Unoccupied , idle
At a loss To be unable to decided
Assumes airs To pretend to superiority
Bear the burnt of To bear the main shock of
Bid defiance To ignore
Break the news To give the bad news
Beside oneself To feel excessively
Bated breath In anxiety , expectancy
Bandy words To wrangle , to argue
Blue stocking Educated but pedantic lady
Bring down the house Receive applause
Brow beat To bully
By dint of By force of
Chip of the old block Resembling one’s parents in habits
Cave in Yield
Cloven off The evil intention
Cut through Though
Cheek by jowl Close together
Come to a pass Difficult situation
Cock a snook To show impudent contempt
Dutch courage Bravery under alcoholic influence
Dare devil Fearless person
Down and out Poor and ruined
Draconian law Extremely serve law
Die hard Persistent in struggle
Days of reckoning Time to answer for someone’s answer
Down in the mouth out of elements
Damp squib Complete failure
Dog in the manager A person who prevent s others from enjoying
what he cannot
Eke out Supplement income

Ever and anon Now and then , sometimes
Flesh and blood Human nature
Flash in the pan Sudden success
Fly in the face of To defy
Get off scot free To escape without punishment
Grid up the loins To prepare for hard work
Give a wild berth To avoid
Gentleman at large Unreliable person
Give the devil his due Give credit to a wordless person for his good
Give up the ghost Pass away, die
Go to the whole hog To do something thoroughly
Go broke Become bankrupt
Get down to brass tacks To deal with the matter straight
Hold water Sound , tenable
Have feet of clay Full of faults
Live-wire Energetic
Look a gift house in the mouth Criticize a gift
Lose one’s head To be carried away
Latin and Greek Incomprehensible
Make amends To give compensation
Make light of Not to care of
Midas touch A touch which turns anything into gold
A past master An expert
Pyrrhic victory Victory at a high cost
Quixotic project Foolishly ideal
Rule the roost To dominate
Spartan life Life of ascetic
Shot in the arm Encouraging
Spick and span In order
Seamy side of the life Immoral side of society
Sow wild oats Irresponsible pleasure seeking
Throw a spanner To be defeated
Take wind out of another’s sails To gain advantage by anticipation
Under the rose Secretly
Up and doing Active
Well disposed to Friendly or helpful to somebody
Willy-nilly Whether one wishes or not
Window shopping To look at the goods displayed but not for

Weal and woe Joy and sorrow
Wide berth Keep away
Wry face Disappointed face
Yellow press Newspaper publishing sensational news
Yeoman’s service Excellent service
At back and call At disposal
In the books off In favour with
To run one down To disparage someone
In character with Found to be in keeping with
To get into a stew To have an anxious state of mind
To go by to be guided by
Put up with Tolerate
Ran riot Acted without restrained
Give in Yield
Turn an honest penny Make a legitimate living
Done for Ruined
On the level Mentally compatible
Went to the winds Dissipated
Burnt his boats Left no means of retreat
Brought up Criticised vehemently
Cut no ice with me Had no influence with me
A sore point Something which hurt
Out of thin air Appear suddenly
Join the majority To die
To go for the juggler To make a destructive attack
Lead somebody to the alter To marry somebody
The primrose path The pursuit of pleasure
Odds and ends Miscellaneous things
To champ at the bit To be restlessly impatient
With a flea in one’ ear To be rebuked
Pie in the sky Event likely to happen
On the blink Not in the working order
The worse for wear Shabby from use
To borrow beat To bully
Come a cropper To fail
The lie of the land Assessment of a situation
Plain as pike staff Very obvious
In tatters Ruined

At a rate of knots Sluggishly
Raise somebody’s hackle To make somebody angry
A bread and butter letter An appointment letter
Take up the cudgels To support somebody
As the crow flies In a straight line
With in an ace of falling, escaping by a narrow margin
To play the ape To mimic,
to imitate to go ape over To be extremely enthusiastic over
In the arms of Morpheus In the lap of sleep
No vie like avarice Greed is greater than any other vice
To get the axe To be dismissed from a job
A man before the mast A common sailor
All the better to Same to
To back side To fall back in morals
To back spear To question in order to bring out some
On the ball Alert ,competent
To forbid the banns To object the banns
To sell one a bargain To befool someone
To have a bash at To attempt something for the first time
To have bats in one’s belfry To have crazy ideas , to be very peculiar or
To be at one’s beds To worship
To tell one’s beads To day ones prayer
To bear away the palm To win
A bear garden A place or scene of tumult
Narrow bed Grave
To bill and coo To whisper endearments as lovers
To make one’s bow To appear first time in publically
To brace oneself for To prepare for something unpleasant or
Brain sauce Wisdom
Bread and cheese Simple food
As snug as a bug in the rug Very cosy and snug
On the bum Living the life of a tramp
To bury one’s head in the sand To avoid the reality
To mean business To be serious
To care a damn/farthing To have no care at all
To carry with one To satisfy

A cast of the eye A squint
To cast into the shade To make less noticeable
To catch/clutch at a straw To try any expedient however useless
To cast a chill over To spread sadness
To serve with the colours To be a member of the armed forces
To condemn to death To award punishment of death
A gone coon One whose case is hopeless
Till the cows come home For a long time
To cross one’s mind To occur , strike
To cry Halves To claim with equal share
To cry stinking fish To decry one’s own good
To cry shame upon To oppose, to protest against
Off the cuff Imparting information ,
on credit in one’s cup Under the influence of liquor
To cut somebody down To kill somebody
To go to the devil To fail completely
To die in shoes To be murdered
A dog’s chance No hope at all
To eat one’s terms To study for the bar(law)
To bid fair To seem likely
To fall aboard of To start fighting/ quarrelling
To fall foul of To quarrel
To chew the fat To chat
To kill the fatted calf To celebrate especially at a prodigal’s return
To ruffle somebody’s feather To annoy somebody
To feel in one’s bone To know or sense some thing intuitively
To snap one’s finger (at) To show contempt for
To fish in troubled water To try to win advantages for oneself from a
disturbed state of affairs, to take advantage of
troubled or uncertain conditions for personal
gain n
To get into a flap To be in a state of agitation , confusion,
nervous, excitement etc.
The flesh Physical or bodily desires , sensual appetites
To fly in the face of To act in defiance of authority , facts , custom
To be nobody’s fool To be wise
To fool around To waste time
To the fore Prominent
To blow the gaff To revel a secret

To get into bad odour To become popular
Worth one’s weight in cold Invaluable
To cook one’s goose To ruin one’s chances or plans completely
Gravy train Source of much or easy; money
Like grim death Very firmly
To let one’s hair down To behave informally
To hand in one’s cheeks To die
To run with the hue and hunt with the
To be on good terms with both sides in a
Hare and hound Paper chase
To take up the hatchet To prepare for or go to war
Heavy tidings Bad news
Hell for leather As quick as possible
Cat in hell’s chance No chance at all
Like a bat out of hell At top speed
High and mighty Arrogant
A hill of beans A thing of little value
to hoist with one’s own petard To be caught in ones own trap
From the horse’s mouth From a reliable source
To take issue To be in disagreement
everyman jack Everyone without exception
The cut of one’s jib A person’s personal appearances or manner
To kick against the pricks To hurt oneself by useless resistance
At the rate of knots Very fast
The last straw An addition to a task, burden, etc. Which
strained one’s patience to the limit
To be all legs To be a tall and very thin person
To have a hollow leg To have a large appetite
A lick and a promise A feeble attempt
Out on a limb In a dangerous situation
To live by one’s wits To get money by ingenious and irregular
methods not necessarily honest
The devils own luck Good luck
To have a memory like a sieve To have a faint memory
Middle of the road Average
To have a monkey on one’s back To be addicted to narcotic drug
The mote in somebody’s eye A very minor mistake (of somebody)
To go through the motions To work carelessly
In a muck In an untidy situation

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