Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Idioms and Phrases part 6

Not for nuts Under no circumstances
To sport one’s oak To keep one’s door close
Odd and even Game of chance
to carry off the palm To be victorious
To be par for the course To be what one would expect to happen or
expect somebody to do
To pay the debt of nature To die
To know (somebody) off his pedestal To show that he is no longer highly regarded
Penn y wise and pound foolish shaving small sums at the risk of large ones
To be in the picture To be familiar with the matter
To pip(somebody) at the post To defeat at the last moment
To stretch a point To make an exception
Printer’s devil The youngest apprentice in a printing office
To put out feelers Cautiously check the views of others
a/the sixty four dollar question An important question that is very difficult to
The quick and dead All people alive or dead
In a flat spin In a state of panic
To be the dead spit of Exact counterpart or likeness of
To stew in one’s own juice To suffer the consequences of one’s own
To strike a chord To say something that other people
sympathize or identify with
To have the sun in one’s eye To drink
A month of Sundays A long period of time
to put to the sword To kill
Not for all the tea in china No matter how great the reward
The king of terror Death
As thick as thieves Very friendly
The tip of the iceberg Small but evident part of a much larger
concealed situation
A man about town A man who spends much time at fashionable
parties, clubs, theatres
To lay someone under tribute To impose tax on somebody
To swear like a trooper To use very obscene or blasphemous language
To twiddle one’s thumb To be idle
To be up before somebody To appear in court
To take the veil To become a nun

Beyond the veil In the world high above
Null and void Not legally binding , invalid
Waifs and strays Homeless children, odds and even
Weal and woe Prosperity and adversity
A wild cat strike Illegal strike
Neck of the woods Area, neighbourhood
Under duress Uncontrolled
Look a gift horse in the mouth Find fault with a gift
To bear up with To endure
To strike one To realise suddenly
Four days on end For a long time
To drive home To emphasize
Thrust down one’s throat Remind repeatedly
Sing froid To remain calm and composed in the difficult
Argus eye Observant
Big draw A huge attraction
Cog in the wheel An important person
To seize the nettle To deal with firmly
Took exception to Object to
To pass the buck To pass the responsibility
Leaps and bounds Rapidly
Bids fair Seem likely
Backstairs influence Underhand means
Worth of salt Of value
Make a wry face Show disappointment
Flesh and blood Children
At a premium Valued highly
Speak volumes Serve as strong testimony to
Get a kick Get a thrill
To curry favour Gain favour
On the cards Certain
Wipe the nose To Cheat
Family way Pregnant
Have an eye Have an extra talent
Keep your nose clean Keep out of trouble
Small talk Light conversation
Botch something up To mess something up, to do a bad job of

Come to a head To reach a crisis
See through the design Be aware of the trick
To a hair Exactly
Held in camera Not open to the public
Prodigal son Extravagant
Die in harness Die while still working
Take people inn Cheat people
Carry off of the feet Wild with excitement
Like a fish out of water In troubled situation
Running riot Behaving wild
Hard of hearing deaf
Jew’s eye A possession of high value
In a nutshell In a simple and brief manner
To carry the can Accept the blame
Every lecture’s cup of tea What one likes and can do well
Put/Throw an spanner in the works To do something that prevents a plan or
activity from succeeding
A scarlet women A whore , a prostitute
To rate soundly Censure strongly
Bad blood Angry feeling
Carrot and stick Reward and punishment
Through thick and thin Through days of struggle
Straight from the shoulder Without evasion
Come down from ivory towers Detachment and seclusion
Bite the dust Humiliated
To meet half way someone Come to a compromise with someone
Put some one to mettle Arouse some one to do his best
Take heart Cheered up
Falling foul of Quarrelling with
Take up the cudgels for Defend vigorously
High words Angry words
Tiptoe Anxious
Green horn Novice
Ere long Shortly
Turn the coat Change the party
Play ducks and drakes with Squandering
Make parade of Speak highly of
Egged on Instigate

Monkey’s monkey Kind not cash
Long and short Main point
Look blank Surprise
Null and void Invalid
Out of pocket Without money
A man of parts A man of ability
At loose ends Badly managed
Bad debts Unrealisable debts
Ever and anon Frequently
Fast living Luxurious living
Born in the purple Born of royal parents
In the long run Ultimately
Kith and kin Relatives
Look blue Appear disturb

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