Monday, January 15, 2018

Phrasal verbs E

  • ease off/up
    • Reduce, become less severe or slow down (pain, traffic, work ...)
      "After Christmas, the workload generally eases off."
  • egg on
    • Encourage someone to do something..
      "Egged on by his friends, the boy climbed over the wall"
  • embark on/upon
    • Start or engage in something.
      "Lily embarked on a career that lead her to fame."
  • end in
    • Finish in a certain way/result in.
      "Their tumultuous marriage ended in divorce."
  • end up
    • Finally reach a state, place or action. 
      "If Jack continues his misconduct, he'll end up in prison."
  • even out
    • Eliminate differences of opinion.  
      "After a long discussion they managed to even out their differences."
    • Become level or regular.
      "The old road was evened out to make it safer."
  • explain away
    • Find an excuse or plausible explanation.  
      "How are you going to explain away the missing money?"

  • face up (to)
    • Accept to deal with something unpleasant.  
      "Sam will have to face up to the fact that Jenny is not in love with him. 
  • factor in
    • Include when calculating or trying to understand something.  
      "We must factor in the age of the patients."
  • fall apart
    • Disintegrate; break; fall into pieces.
      "My car is so old it's falling apart."
      "Their marriage fell apart after they both lost their jobs."
  • fall back on
    • Be able to use something in an emergency.  
      "We were lucky to have some tinned food to fall back on."
  • fall behind
    • Fail to maintain a certain level.  
      "As a result of the accident she fell behind at school and had to study harder."
  • fall through
    • Fail ; not happen.
      "Our planned boat trip fell through because of the storm."
  • fall out
    • Become loose and drop.
      "When you grow old your hair starts to fall out."
    • Stop being friends because of a disagreement or argument.
      "Emma is not speaking to Julie anymore. They fell out during the school trip. " 
  • figure out
    • Understand;  find the answer.
      "I've bought a new oven. Now I'm trying to figure out how to set the timer. 
  • fill in for
    • Temporarily substitute for another person.
      "Eva is absent this morning and Julie is going to fill in for her."
  • fill out
    • Complete (a form/application).
      "Please fill out the enclosed form and send it back as soon as possible."
  • find out
    • Discover or obtain information.
      "I'm going to call the cinema to find out what time the film starts."
  • fire away
    • Ask questions in quick succession.
      "May we ask some questions? Sure, fire away!"
  • fire back
    • Shoot back.
      "The policemen fired back at the robbers."
  • fit in (with)
    • Feel comfortable or be in harmony with. 
      "He has difficulty making friends. He just doesn't seem to fit in with the others." 
  • fix up
    • Repair or renovate.
      "They're going to fix up the house before moving in. "
  • fizzle out
    • Gradually end.    
      "They used to be very close but over the years their friendship fizzled out
  • focus on
    • Concentrate on something.
      "The advertising campaign will focus on the quality of the product. "
  • fold in
    • Mix one ingredient with another.
      "Beat the eggs then fold in the sugar." 
  • freak out
    • Panic or go crazy.
      "She nearly freaked out when she saw the colour of her hair. It was a disaster!"
  • frown on/upon
    • Disapprove.
      "My parents always frowned on smoking."
  • fuss over
    • Pay excessive attention to somebody or somebody.
      "She's forever fussing over her grandson. It's just too much!"

    • Fade away: the ink writing has faded away and now it is barely visible.
      Fall apart: her relationship fell apart after two years. When Mark left Eve, her whole world fell apart.
      Fall behind: The horse started the race quite promising but then fell behind on the last bend. Tom has fallen behind in his English recently.
      Fall for somebody / something: I fell for her the moment I saw her for the first time.
      Fall out: I haven't seen him since we fell out last week. And I don't think I want to...
      Feel for: We felt for her when her husband disappeared and left her with all his debts.
      Fight back: don't stand like this! Fight back!
      Fill (something) up: the room was filled up with people.
      Fill something in: Please fill in the application form.
      Find out: did you find out how much he had paid?
      Focus on / upon: His research focuses on developing new information technologies.
      Fold up: You can fold the map up - I know where we are.
      Fool around/about: Stop fooling around with the knife or you'll get hurt.
      Frolic about / around: He loves frolicking around with his dog.

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