Monday, January 15, 2018

Phrasal verbs I-J-K

  • idle away
    • Waste time doing nothing much.
      "He idles away hours every day watching television."
  • iron out
    • Resolve by discussion; eliminate differences.
      "The meeting tomorrow will be an opportunity to iron out difficulties."
  • impose on/upon
    • Ask too much of someone.
      "Is it alright if I stay? I don't want to impose upon your hospitabity."
  • improve on/upon
    • Make better.
      The runner trained regularly to improve on his previous performance.
  • indulge in
    • Allow yourself to enjoy something.
      "I’ve been dieting all week but today I'm going to indulge in a dessert."
  • insure against
    • Guarantee compensation for damage, injury, etc.
      "The passengers on the boat are all fully insured."
  • invite out
    • Ask someone to join you for lunch, dinner, etc.
      "Harry invited her out for dinner." 

  • join in
    • Participate in something.
      "We couldn't persuade Eva to join inthe game. She was too shy."
  • join up
    • Engage in, become a member of.
      "John was in the army and Tom joined up as soon as he left school."
    • Meet and unite with.
      "The two groups of tourists joined up at the hotel."
  • jot down
    • Take quick notes.
      "I jotted down the address while watching a documentary on television. "
  • keep at
    • Persevere.
      "His father encouraged him to keep at his studies."
  • keep back
    • Retain; force to stay back.
      "A barrier will be installed to keep back the fans."
  • keep on
    • Continue doing something.
      "I told the children to be quiet but they kept on making noise."
  • keep up with
    • Stay at the same level as someone or something.
      "Bill walks so fast it's difficult to keep up with him."
  • kneel down
    • Go down on your knees.
      "Most people kneel down to pray."
  • kick off
    • Begin; start.
      "The football match is planned to kick off at 3 p.m."
  • knock back
    • Drink quickly (usually alcohol).
      "He knocked back a pint of beer and then went home."
  • knock down
    • Strike someone or something to the ground.
      "The child was knocked down by a car on the way to school."
      "The tree was knocked down during the storm."
  • knock out
    • Cause someone to fall unconscious.
      "The boxer was knocked out in the first round."
  • know of
    • Have heard of; have knowledge about.
      "Do you know of anyone else attending the conference?"

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