Monday, January 15, 2018

Phrasal Verbs with LOOK

Phrasal Verbs with LOOK 

Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Look afterTake care ofA babysitter looks after the children when we go out.
Look atPay attention to something you seeLook at this picture of my grandfather when he was young.
Look atRead in order to give an opinionHave you got time to look at my business plan?
Look atExamine closelyThat's a bad bruise. You should ask a doctor to look at it.
Look atConsider or study carefullyWe're going to look at all possible options.
Look aheadThink of the futureIt's time to forget the past and look ahead.
Look awayTurn your head awayThe scene was so horrible that I had to look away.
Look back onRemember the pastOlder people tend to look back on the « good old days ».
Look down onConsider as inferiorHe looks down on anyone who is not successful.
Look forTry to find somethingJane went shopping to look for a pair of shoes.
Look forward toAwait with pleasurelook forward to seeing you next week.
Look inVisit for a short timeSue promised her mother she'd look in on her way home.
Look intoExamine or investigateI'll look into the matter and call you back.
Look onBe a spectator at an eventBill didn't take part in the fight. He just looked on.
Look outBe careful; pay attentionLook out! There's a car coming!
Look overExamine; reviewThe editor will look over the article before it is published.
Look throughExamine, usually quicklyI'll look through my mail to see if I can find your message.
Look up toRespect or admireHe was a great teacher. The students looked upto him.

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