Monday, January 15, 2018

Phrasal Verbs B

Phrasal Verbs B

A phrasal verb are usually two-word phrases consisting of preposition or adverb which creates a meaning different from the original verb.
Phrasal Verbs : B
Phrasal Verb
Back awayRetreat or go backwards. 
Bail out of
Pay a bond to release someone from jail. 
Bail out onStop supporting someone when they are in trouble. 
Bail upTalk to someone and delay them. 
Bail upRob someone at gunpoint. 
Ball upConfuse or make things complicated. 
Ball upRoll or form into a round shape. 
Balls upSpoil, ruin. 
Bang aboutMove in a place making a lot of noise. 
Back downRetract or withdraw your position or
proposal in an argument.
Back intoEnter a parking area in reverse gear 
Back offRetreat. 
Back outFail to keep an arrangement or promise. 
Back out ofFail to keep an agreement, arrangement. 
Back out ofExit a parking area in reverse gear. 
Back up Make a copy of computer data. 
Back upSupport. 
Back upDrive a vehicle backwards. 
Bag outCriticise. 
Bail outSave, rescue. 
Bail outRemove water from something that is
Bail outJump out of a plane because it is going to crash. 
Bang around
Move in a place making a lot of noise. 
Bang on
Talk at great length. 
Bang on aboutKeep talking about something. 
Bang outPlay a musical instrument loudly. 
Bang upPut someone in prison. 
Bang upDamage badly. 
Bargain downPersuade someone to drop the price of
something they're selling.
Bargain on
Expect something to happen (usually
Barge in / into
Enter a place and interrupt people rudely. 
Bash aboutMistreat physically. 
Bash inBreak, damage or injure by hitting. 

Bash out
Write something quickly without much
Bash upBreak, damage or hurt by hitting. 
Bawl outScold, shout at someone. 
Bawl outSing or shout unpleasantly loudly. 
Be afterTry to find or get. 
Be along
Be awayBe elsewhere; on holiday, etc.. 
Be cut out forBe suitable, have the necessary qualities. 
Be cut upBe upset. 
Be downBe depressed. 
Be downBe reduced or less. 
Be down onHave negative feelings toward someone. 
Be down withBe ill. 
Be fed upBe bored, upset or sick of something. 
Be inBe at home or at work. 
Be inBe submitted, arrive. 
Be in onBe involved in. 
Be not on
Be unacceptable. 
Be offBe bad (of food). 
Be offDepart, leave. 
Be onBe functioning (of machines). 
Be onTake place. 
Be onTake medication or drugs, especially when they affect the person badly. 
Be onBe at the top of one’s game, performing very well. 
Be on aboutMean, try to say. 
Be on toPursue, be aware of someone's true nature. 
Be outBe absent from a place. 
Be out to
Have no more left or Attempt. 
Be snowed under
Have too much work. 
Be taken abackBe shocked or surprised. 
Be taken withLike something. 
Be up
Be out of bed. 
Be upHave increased or risen. 
Be upWhen the time for something finishes or expires. 
Be up forBe enthusiastic about an upcoming event. 
Be up toBe good enough. 
Be up to 
Doing something naughty or wrong. 
Bear down onMove towards. 
Bear onInfluence, affect. 
Bear out 
Confirm that something is correct. 
Beat downGet someone to lower the price of
Beat outNarrowly win in competition. 
Beat upAttack violently. 
Beaver awayWork hard. 
Beaver away atWork hard doing something. 
Bear upResist pressure. 
Bear up underCope with something difficult or stressful. 
Bear withBe patient. 
Bed downSleep somewhere less comfortable than normal. 
Bed downBecome established or successful over
Bed out 
Move a plant outside. 
Beef upMake something stronger or more solid. 

Belong to
Be a member. 
Belong toBe connected to a time, place, belief,
thing, etc.
Belong withBe in the correct or appropriate location with other items. 
Belt outSing something loudly. 
Belt upBe quiet. 
Belt up
Fasten your seatbelt. 
Bend downLower the top half of your body. 
Bend overLower the top part of your body. 
Bend over
Do a lot to try to help or please someone. 
Big up 
Exaggerate the importance. 
Big upIncrease the size of muscles by exercise. 
Bitch upSpoil or ruin something. 
Black outFall unconscious. 
Black outLose light. 
Black outCensor text so that words cannot be read. 
Black outHave a temporary memory failure. 
Blare outA loud sound or music. 
Blast offLeave the ground- spaceship or rocket. 
Blaze awayFire a gun repeatedly. 
Bleed out
Cause sufficient blood loss to result in
Bliss outBe extremely relaxed and happy. 
Block inPark a car and obstruct another car. 
Block in 
Shade or fill in. 
Block offObstruct an exit to prevent people from leaving. 
Block outTry not think about or feel something
because it is upsetting or painful.
Block upFill a space so that nothing can pass. 
Blow awayKill 
Blow awayBeat rivals or competitors by a large
Blow awayImpress greatly. 
Blow awayWhen the wind moves something from a place. 
Blow down
When the wind forces something to fall. 
Blow inArrive, sometimes suddenly or
Blow offNot keep an appointment. 
Blow offIgnore, not do something. 
Blow offExpel gas from the anus. 
Blow outDefeat decisively. 
Blow over
When a scandal gets forgotten. 
Blow upExplode. 
Blow upInflate. 
Blow upEnlarge (e.g., photograph).. 
Blow upThe beginning of a storm. 
Blow upLose your temper, become angry. 
Blurt out
Say something quickly without thinking,
especially if you shouldn't.
Board outArrange for pets to stay somewhere while you're away. 
Board upCover windows or doors with wood,
metal, etc..
Bog down 
Slow make progress. 
Bog in / intoEat something enthusiastically. 
Bog off!Get lost. 
Boil downSimplify, reduce to the essentials. 
Boil down toAmount to. 
Boil overWhen people lose their tempers and things get nasty. 
Boil upFeel a negative emotion strongly. 
Bolster upGive support, reinforce, strengthen. 
Bone upStudy hard for a reason. 
Book in
Check in at a hotel. 
Book intoMake a reservation in advance. 
Book outLeave a place in a hurry. 
Book upReserve. 
Boot upStart a computer. 
Border onBe very nearly something. 
Boss about / aroundUse excessive authority to control people. 
Botch up
Ruin or spoil something. 
Bottle awayStore up. 
Bottle outLack of courage to do something. 
Bottle upNot express your feelings. 
Bottom outPass the lowest point and start rising. 
Bounce intoForce someone. 
Bounce back

Bounce off
Test ideas. 
Bowl outHit someone's wicket in cricket with the
Bowl overSurprise someone greatly. 
Bowl overKnock someone to the ground. 
Box inPrevent something from moving,
especially vehicles.
Box upPack things in boxes to move them. 
Brace upFeel more confident or optimistic about
Branch out
Move into a different area of business,
Break awayLeave an organisation, usually to form a new one. 
Break downEnd negotiations unsuccessfully. 
Break downStart crying. 
Break downStop working. 
Break downRemove a barrier or obstacle. 
Break inGo into a building to steal something. 
Break inInterrupt something. 
Break inTrain a horse to be ridden. 
Break inCarefully use new products until they are fully functional.. 
Break offBreak a piece from something. 
Break out
Start (war, conflict). 
Break out inSweat heavily, develop skin sores or
Break out ofEscape. 
Break throughPass a barrier or obstacle. 
Break upBreak into many pieces. 
Break up
Close an educational institution for the
Break up / offTo Finish or End a relationship. 
Break upBecome inaudible over the telephone
because of interference.
Breeze alongMove easily and quickly. 
Breeze into / inEnter a place quickly. 
Breeze throughPass easily, succeed. 
Brick in / upClose or fill a space with bricks. 
Brighten upImprove (weather). 
Brighten upBecome happier. or Make something more attractive or pleasant. 
Bring aboutMake something happen. 
Bring alongBring someone or something to certain
place. Or Help someone improve
Bring around
Persuade or convince someone. 
Bring aroundBring something with you when you visit. 
Bring around Get someone talking about something. 
Bring backCause someone to remember. 
Bring backReturn 
Bring downMake something cheaper. 
Bring forthProduce something, make it known or
Bring forwardMake something happen earlier than
originally planned.
Bring inEarn. 
Bring offSucceed with something difficult. 
Bring onCause something to happen or speed up 
Bring onMake something appear. 
Bring outRelease or publish. 
Bring outElicit a response. 
Bring out inCause a health problem or reaction. 
Bring roundMake someone wake up from
unconsciousness or an anaesthetic.
Bring UpMention. 
Bring Up Raise a child. 
Bring UpBe officially charged with a crime. 
Brush offIgnore, pay little attention. 
Brush upImprove a skill quickly. 
Bubble overBecome very excited. 
Buck upHurry (either transitive or reflexive). 
Buck upSmarten up, improve. 
Bucket downRain heavily. 
Buckle downStart working hard, apply yourself. 
Buckle underAccept something under pressure, against your will. 
Buckle upFasten a seatbelt.  
Budge upMove to make space for someone. 
Buff upClear, clean or make something shine. 
Buff upImprove. 
Buff up onImprove your knowledge quickly. 
Bug off!Go away. 
Bug outOpen your eyes wide in surprise. 
Bug outLeave somewhere in a hurry. 
Build upDevelop a company. 
Build upIncrease. 
Bulk out Make something bigger or thicker. 
Bulk upGain weight, develop bigger muscles.  
Bump intoMeet by chance. 
Bump offKill. 
Bump upIncrease. 
Bundle offSend someone somewhere. 
Bundle outExpel. 
Bundle upPut on warm clothing. 
Bundle upWrap or tie things together. 
Bunk offNot go to school when you should. 
Buoy upMake someone feel more positive. 
Buoy upKeep afloat. 
Burn downBurn completely. 
Burn offRemove by burning or similar process. 
Burn outLose enthusiasm and energy to continue in a demanding job. 
Burn upDestroy completely by fire. 
Burn upDrive at high speed. 

Burn up 
To be or cause to be highly annoyed. 
Burst intoCatch fire very quickly. 
Burst intoLaugh, cry or clap loudly. 
Bust upEnd a relationship, usually angrily or after arguing. 
Butt inInterrupt 
Butt out Not be involved in other people's business. 
Butter upPraise or flatter someone excessively. 
Buy inForce 
Buy intoAccept an idea. 
Buy offPay someone to stop them causing trouble. 
Buy outBuy somebody's share in a company. 
Buy up Buy all of something. 
Move quickly around a place. 
Buzz offLeave somewhere 
Buzz off!Go away (imperative).

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