Monday, January 15, 2018

Phrasal Verbs O-P-Q

  • opt out (of)
    • Leave a system or decide not to participate.
      "I enjoy tennis but I'm so busy I had to opt out of the tournament. "
  • own up
    • Admit or confess something.
      "The boy owned up. He said he kicked the ball through the window."
  • pass away
    • Die.
      "The old lady passed away peacefully."
  • pass on
    • Transmit.
      "Don't forget to pass on the information to all the members."
  • pass out
    • Faint; lose consciousness.
      "She passed out when she received confirmation that the plane had crashed."
  • pay back
    • Reimburse.
      "I will lend you 20€ provided you pay me back before the end of the week. "
  • phase in/out
    • Introduce or discontinue something gradually.
      "The government decided to phase in the new regulations."
  • pick on
    • Choose someone to blame, punish, bully, etc.
      "The other children were always picking on Charlie because of his red hair."
  • pick out
    • Select; choose.
      "Will you help me pick out a handbag to go with my outfit?"
  • pick up
    • Learn.
      "Children are quick to pick up a new language."
    • Collect somebody/something; give someone a lift.
      "James is coming to pick me up at the station.."
  • play up
    • Cause pain or discomfort.
      "My stomach is starting to play up again after all that heavy food."
    • Emphasise the value or make something seem more important.
      "Donald always plays up his achievements."
  • play down
    • Minimise the value or make something appear less important.
      "The government tried to play down the gravity of the situation."
  • pop across/over/down/out
    • Come or go quickly in the direction specified.
      "She popped over to the shop to buy a sandwich."
  • pop in
    • Make a brief visit.
      "My daughter sometimes pops in for a cup of coffee."
  • pop up
    • Arise, occur.
      "The question of security popped up during the meeting."
  • pull through
    • Overcome difficulties or illness.
      "My grandmother caught pneumonia last winter but she pulled through.
  • put away
    • Return something to the place where it is usually kept.
      "Please put away the dictionary when you've finished using it.
  • put back
    • Replace, return to its proper place.
      "Please put the dictionary back on the shelf beside the others."
  • put forward
    • Propose or recommend something.
      "The chairman put forward a proposal to move to bigger offices."
  • put off
    • Postpone; delay; arrange a later date.
      "The meeting has been put off until next week because of the strike."
  • put on
    • Turn on / switch on.
      Could you put on the light please?
    • Wear a garment or piece of clothing.
      "You'd better put on your coat - it's cold outside today."

  • put out
    • Extinguish.
      "It took the fire fighters a long time to put out the fire."
  • put (yourself) out
    • Go to a lot of trouble; be inconvenienced.
      "Please don't put yourself out for us."
  • put (something) out
    • Leave or place something outside the house.
      "Don't forget to put out the dustbin this evening".
  • put through
    • Connect two people (on the phone).
      "Just a moment please. I'll put you through to Mr. Brown."
  • put up
    • Erect, build.
      Danny put up a tent in the garden to keep the children happy."
  • put (someone) up
    • Accommodate; give someone a bed
      "We can put you up if you'd like to come for the week-end."
  • put up with
    • Tolerate.
      "I don't know how you can put up with the noise of all that traffic."
  • point out
    • Indicate; direct attention to something.
      "My mother pointed out the house where she grew up."

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