Monday, January 15, 2018

Phrasal Verbs R-S

  • reel off
    • Recite without effort or pause.
      "Stella amazed everyone by reeling off all the phrasal verbs she had learned."
  • rely on
    • Count on; depend on; trust
      "Don't worry. You can rely on me. I can keep a secret."
  • rig out (verb)
    • Dress or equip.
      "The old lady arrived all rigged out in her best clothes."
  • ring back (also: call back)
    • Return a phone call.
      "John rang this morning and asked if you could ring him back."
  • ring off
    • End a phone call.
      "The caller gave his name and then rang off."
  • rub out
    • Erase.
      Write it in pencil so that you can rub it out later if you want to change it.
  • rule out
    • Eliminate.
      "The police are still investigating but they have ruled out political motives."
  • run away
    • Escape from a place or suddenly leave.
      "He ran away from home at the age of fourteen."
  • run into (also : bump into)
    • Meet by accident or unexpectedly .
      "Sophie ran into Maria at the shopping centre."
  • run out of
    • Have no more of something.
      "What a nuisance! We've run out of coffee."

  • scale back/scale down
    • Make something smaller than originally intended.
      "Due to the crisis the company had to scale down the size of the plant."
  • scrape together/scrape up
    • Manage to find or collect enough of something you need, usually money.
      "We finally scraped together enough money to buy an old car."
  • scrape through
    • Succeed with difficulty.
      "How I scraped through the exam is still a mystery to me!"
  • set off
    • Start a journey.
      "Early Saturday morning we set off for the ski slopes."
  • set up
    • Start a business.
      "Victoria set up her own company 10 years ago."
  • settle for
    • Accept something not quite satisfactory
      "I was hoping for a better proposal but I'll settle for the amount you offer."
  • shop around
    • Compare prices.
      "It's always wise to shop around before buying anything."
  • show off
    • Brag or want to be admired.
      "There's Donald showing off in his new sports car!"
  • show up
    • Appear; arrive.
      "We expected William to come but he didn't show up."
  • shut up (impolite)
    • Be silent, stop talking.
      "Oh shut up you idiot!"
  • sign away
    • Give up one's rights or ownership.
      "He signed away his property and joined a religious community."
  • sign in
    • Register (e.g. at a hotel).
      "As soon as we've signed in we'll go and get something to eat ."
  • sign out
    • Pay your bill and leave (e.g. a hotel).
      "At 9 o'clock he signed out and left for the airport."
  • sign over (to)
    • Transfer ownership of something.
      "He signed over the house to his two children."
  • sign up (for)
    • Enroll in an activity.
      Emma signed up for a computer course.
  • sign up (with)
    • Sign an agreement to work for somebody.
      "Paul has signed up with a news agency."
  • single out
    • Select for special attention.
      "Two of the boys were singled out for extra coaching.
  • sink in
    • Be fully understood.
      "In spite of the detailed news reports, it took a while for the scale of the disaster to sink in."
  • sit down
    • Take a seat.
      "Please come in and sit down."
  • sleep in
    • Sleep later than usual.
      "Tomorrow is Saturday, so I can sleep in!"
  • sleep over
    • Stay overnight at someone else's home.
      "You're welcome to sleep over if you don't want to drive in this weather."
  • slip up
    • Make a mistake.
      "You slipped up there! His name is Alex, not Alan!"
  • slow down
    • Decelerate; go more slowly.
      "George! You're going to cause an accident. Slow down!"
  • sober up
    • Get rid of the effects of too much alcohol.
      "Jack decided to go for a long walk to sober up."
  • sort out
    • Organise, resolve a problem.
      "There was a misunderstanding but Lea sorted it out."
      "Students should sort out their books at the end of the school year."
  • speed up
    • Accelerate; go faster.
      "We need to speed up the registration procedure."
  • stand for
    • Represent, mean.
      "VAT stands for value added tax."
    • Tolerate.
      "There's no way I'm going to stand for such bad behaviour!"
  • stand up
    • Rise from a sitting position
      "The pupils stood up when the headmaster arrived."
  • stand up for
    • Support or defend someone or something.
      "You must learn to be assertive and stand up for your personal views."
  • stick around
    • Stay somewhere for some time.
      "I'll stick around until the end of the parade."
  • stick out
    • Come out.
      "The speaker's shirt was sticking out from his trousers."
    • Become noticeable.
      "With that dress you'll really stick out!"
  • stick (something) out
    • Tolerate, accept to continue.
      "Lunch with my girlfriend's colleagues was boring but I had to stick it out - I had no choice!"
  • stick to
    • Continue without changing anything.
      "We must decide on a plan of action and stick to it."
  • stick together
    • Support each other.
      "Good friends always stick together."
  • stick with
    • Continue using or doing something.
      "I'll stick with this grammar book because it has everything I need."

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