Monday, January 15, 2018

Phrasal Verbs with BREAK

Phrasal Verbs with BREAK 

Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Break awayEscape from captivityThe horses were enclosed in a paddock but a few of them managed to break away.
Break away fromLeave and become independentHe broke away from the organisation and set up his own agency.
Break downGo out of order or cease to functionDavid's car broke down on the way to the airport.
Break downLose control of one's emotions.The parents broke down when they heard the bad news.
Break (something) downDivide into small or simpler partsThe lesson will be easier to learn if you break it down into small sections.
Break freeDetach from a physical hold.Eva managed to break free from her attacker's grasp.
Break inEnter by force in order to steal something.Bob saw a man outside trying to break in.
Break intoEnter a place by force in order to steal something.The burglars broke into the house after midnight.
Break in onInterrupt unexpectedlyAn operator suddenly broke in on our telephone conversation.
Break offStop or discontinueIt was decided to break off diplomatic relations with that country.
Break offStop speakingShe broke off in the middle of a sentence.
Break outStart suddenlyRioting broke out as a result of the strike.
Break out ofEscape from a place by forceThree prisoners broke out of jail.
Break throughForce a way through somethingThe car broke through the barrier.
Break upCome to an end (marriage, relationship...)After her marriage broke up Emma went to live in London.
Break upSeparate into small piecesJack had to use a fork to break up the soil.
Break withDiscontinue something or do something in a different way.He broke with tradition and invented new methods.

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