Monday, January 15, 2018

Phrasal Verbs with BE

Phrasal Verbs with BE 

Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Be afterTo try to obtain or findWhat’s he after ? Is he looking for proof ?
Be againstBe opposed toI must say I’m against the idea.
Be alongArriveJack will be along soon. He’s on his way.
Be awayBe elsewhereShe is away today. She has gone to London.
Be downBe depressed or sad.The news is bad so John is a bit down today.
Be downDecreaseOil prices were down today.
Be down onDisapprove of, dislikeWhy is Charlie so down on the new recruit?
Be down withBe ill or have caught a disease.My mother is down with a bad  cold.
Be inBe present (at work/at home)I'll be in all day so you can call me anytime.
Be in forHave reason to expect something.I think we are in for snow today.
Be in onBe involved with or participate in something.Alex is in on the project too.
Be intoBe  interested or involved in somethingHe's into sports and she's into  poliltics.
Be offLeave to go somewhereI'm off!  I've got a plane to catch.
Be onBe functioningThe television is on.
Be onTake medication or drugsThe driver was on drugs at the time of the accident.
Be on aboutMean, try to sayWhat are you on about? I don't understand.
Be on to
Be onto
Make a discoveryMy colleague is excited. He must be on tosomething
Be outAbsent from home or workWhere's Peter? He's out today.
Be out ofHave no more leftWe're out of coffee I'm afraid.
Be out toTry to achieve; be determinedHe's out to win the match.
Be upAwake and out of bedTom was up at the crack of dawn!
Be upIncreaseThe interest rates are up again.
Be up toMisbehave, do wrongWhat are those kids up to?
Be up toBe somebody's responsibilityIt's up to the government to find a solution.

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