Monday, January 15, 2018

Phrasal Verbs with COME

Phrasal Verbs with COME 

Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Come aboutHappen or occur."How did such a complicated situation come about? "
Come acrossFind by chance.
Julie came across some photographs of her grandparents in the attic.
Come acrossAppear or seem; make an impression.The candidate came across as a dynamic person during the interview.
Come alongAccompany someone; go somewhere with someone.
"Alex decided to come along with me to watch the parade."
Come alongTell someone to hurry."Come along Emily. You don't want to be late for school!"
Come alongArrive, appear."Tony needs a job. If an opportunity comes along he's determined to seize it."
Come alongImprove, develop or make progress."How's your mother coming along since she broke her leg?"
Come apartSeparate into pieces."I need to get my glasses repaired. They came apart when they fell off the table."
Come aroundChange one's opinion; finally accept someone's way of thinking.I think the supplier will come around to our way of seeing things.
Come backReturn.He hopes his son will come back one day.
Come beforeBe more important than.Carla always says that her family comes beforeher career.
Come byManage to get, especially something that is difficult to obtain or find."How did you come by such a beautiful location to build your house?"
Come down withBecome ill with.The architect planned to attend the inauguration but he came down with the 'flu yesterday.
Come forwardPresent oneself; volunteer.The police have asked any witnesses to come forward.
Come outBecome known.The truth will come out sooner or later. It's just a matter of time.
Come toRegain consciousness.The woman fainted when she heard the news but she came to quite quickly.
Come upAppear, occur or present itself unexpectedly.-"The subject came up at the meeting."
- "Sorry I'm late. Something came up at the last minute."
Come up againstBe faced with or opposed by (a reaction).The plan to demolish the old theatre came up against a lot of criticism.
Come up withProduce a plan or idea.Sacha came up with a great idea for the party.
Come uponFind or discover.The police came upon a stock of firearms in a disused mine.

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