Monday, January 15, 2018

Phrasal Verbs with GET

Phrasal Verbs with GET 

Phrasal VerbMeaningExample
Get about/around-Move from place to place.
-Spread, circulate
-It's not easy to get around the city without a map.
-News of their separation soon got about/got around.
Get along/on (with)Be on good terms with someoneget on/along (well) with my mother-in-law.
Get atImply or suggest somethingWhat exactly are you trying to get at?
Get awayEscapeThe robbers got away in a black car.
Get byManage to cope or surviveIt's difficult to get by on a low salary.
Get downDescend; drop lower-Get down off that table Billy!
-Get down! He's got a gun!
Get down toActually start somethingIt's time to get down to some serious work.
Get in/outEnter/leaveHow did the burglars get in/get out?
Get into (+noun)Enter a placeHow did the burglar get into the house?
Get on/offBoard/leave (bus, train, plane ...)You pay when you get on the bus, not when you get off.
Get on withContinue to do somethingBe quiet and get on with your homework!
Get out ofAvoid doing somethingSome husbands manage to get out of doing the dishes.
Get overRecover from (ilness, disappointment ...)Charlie was very disappointed with the result but he got over it.
Get rid ofEliminateIt's difficult to get rid of old habits.
Get round (to)Fine the necessary time to do somethingI finally got round to making the list I promised.
Get togetherMeet each otherLet's get together for lunch one day.
Get upRise; leave bedWhat time do you usually get up in the morning?

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