Monday, January 15, 2018

Phrasal Verbs T

  • take after
    • Resemble in appearance or character.
      " Jamie really takes after his dad."
  • take apart
    • Dismantle or separate the components.
      "The technician has to take the machine apart in order to repair it."
  • take away
    • Cause something to disappear.
      "The doctor gave my father tablets to take away the pain."
    • Buy food at a restaurant and carry it elsewhere to eat it.
      "Two beef curries to take away please."
  • take back
    • Agree to receive back/ be returned.
      "We will take back the goods only if you can produce the receipt."
    • Retract or withdraw something said.
      "I take back what I said about cheating. I didn't mean it."
  • take care of
    • Look after.
      "I'll take care of your plants while you're away."
  • take off
    • Leave the ground.
      "The plane took off at 7 o'clock."
  • take in
    • Allow to stay in one's home.
      "The old lady next door is always taking in stray cats and dogs!"
    • Note with your eyes and register.
      "Amanda took in every detail of her rival's outfit."
    • Understand what one sees, hears or reads; realise what is happening.
      "The man immediately took in the scene and called the police."
  • take on
    • Hire or engage staff.
      "Business is good so the company is taking on extra staff."
  • take out
    • Remove ; cause to disappear.
      "Try this. It should take out the stain."
    • Extract from somewhere.
      "She took out a pen to note down the supplier's address."
    • Invite someone to dinner, the theatre, cinema, etc.
      "Her boyfriend took her out for a meal on her birthday."
    • Obtain a service or document (insurance, mortgage ...).
      "Many homeowners take out a mortgage when they buy  property."
  • take to
    • Begin to like someone or something.
      "My parents took to James immediately."
    • Make a new habit of something.
      "Dad had taken to walking in the park every morning.' 
  • take up
    • Fill or occupy space or time.
      "There's not much space here. The big table takes up too much room.
    • Adopt as a hobby or pastime.
      "My father took up golf when he retired."
    • Start something e.g. a job.
      "While writing his first book he took up a job as a teacher."
    • Make something shorter.
      "That skirt is too long for you. It will need to be taken up.
    • Continue something interrupted.
      "She took up the story where Bill had left off."
  • talk into
    • Persuade someone to do something.
      "Caroline talked John into buying a new car."
  • talk out of
    • Persuade someone not to do something.
      "Her parents tried to talk Amy out of leaving her job."
  • tear up
    • Rip into pieces
      "Tear up the pizza boxes before you put them in the bin."
  • tell off
    • Reprimand; criticise severely
      "The teacher told her off for not doing her homework."
  • test out
    • Carry out an experiment.
      "The theory hasn't been tested out yet."
  • think over
    • Consider something fully.
      "I'll have to think over your proposal before I decide."
  • think up
    • Invent, find, produce by thought.
      "The kids put the cat in the oven because it was cold. What are they going to think up next!" 

  • throw away/out
    • Discard as useless or unwanted.
      "You can throw away that book - it's a load of rubbish! "
  • throw up
    • Vomit ; be sick.
      "I nearly threw up when I saw the injured passengers."
  • tire out
    • Exhaust completely.
      "The children were so turbulent they tired out their grandmother."
  • touch down
    • Land on the runway.
      "There were no delays. The plane touched down exactly on time."
  • toy with
    • Think about, without serious intent.
      "I've been toying with the idea of walking to work, but it would mean getting up earlier."
  • track down
    • Search until found.
      "The police finally tracked down the main suspect."
  • trade in
    • Give as part payment for a new article.
      "I traded in my old car for a new model."
  • try on
    • Put on or wear something to see if it suits or fits.
      "I'm not sure about the size. Can I try it on?"
  • turn away
    • Refuse entrance to someone.
      "Tickets were sold out and hundreds of fans were turned away from the football stadium."
  • turn down
    • Lower the volume.
      Please turn down the music; it's too loud.
    • Refuse.
      "It would be silly to turn down a generous offer like that!
  • turn off
    • Stop by turning a switch, tap or knob.
      "Please remember to turn off the lights before you leave."
  • turn up
    • Arrive; appear.
      "Her train was delayed so she turned up an hour late at the meeting.
    • Raise the volume.
      Could you turn up the radio please? I'd like to listen to the news.

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