Monday, January 15, 2018

Phrasal Verbs U-Z

  • use up
    • Finish a product ( so that there's none left).
      "What a nuisance! The kids have used up all the toothpaste. "
  • veer away from
    • Avoid, stay away from.
      "I veer away from hypochondriacs if I can."
  • vouch for.
    • Express confidence in, or guarantee something.
      "You can give the keys to Andy. I can vouch for him. "
  • ward off
    • Keep away or repel (something dangerous or unpleasant).
      "I take plenty of vitamin C in winter to ward off colds."
  • warm up
    • Reheat something.  
      "She didn't have time to cook so she warmed up some left-over soup."
    • Make more lively or more relaxed.
      "He told a few jokes to warm up the atmosphere."
  • wash up
    • Wash the dishes after a meal.
      "Who's going to help me wash up?"
  • watch out
    • Be careful.
      "Watch out! There's a car coming."
  • water down
    • Dilute or make weaker by adding water.
      "If you water down the medicine it will be easier to take."
    • Make less severe.
      "He watered down his remarks so as not to offend anyone."
  • wear away
    • Disappear after use or over time.
      "The words printed on the cover had worn away."
  • wear down
    • Make someone feel weary or tired.
      "Kim is exhausted. The baby's constant crying is wearing her down."
  • wear off
    • Gradually disappear.
      "The effect of the painkiller began to wear off."
  • wear out
    • Become unusable.
      "During the trip Julie wore out her shoes sightseeing.
    • Become very tired
      "At the end of the every day Julie was worn out."
  • whip up
    • Prepare quickly.
      "I can whip up something to eat if you're hungry."
  • wolf down
    • Eat greedily and quickly.
      "The boys wolfed down the whole cake in no time!"
  • work out
    • Do physical exercise.
      "Tanya works out twice a week at the gym club."
    • Find a solution or calculate something.
      "It's going to be expensive but I haven't worked out the exact cost yet."
  • wind up
    • Finish or put an end to something.
      "Before winding up his speech he thanked everyone for their presence."
      "Larry decided to wind up his business and retire."
    • Arrive finally in a place.
      "After a long drive we finally wound up in a village with a spectacular view."
  • wipe off
    • Clean (board, table).
      "The teacher asked one of the children to wipe off the board."
  • wrap up
    • Cover; enclose.
      "She's busy right now. She's wrapping up her Christmas presents."
    • Complete (a task, a discussion).
      "The salesman hoped to wrap up a few deals at the end of  the demonstration."
  • write back
    • Reply to a letter.
      "Lucy and Steve sent me an invitation and I wrote back to accept it."
  • write (something) down
    • Note something on a piece of paper.
      "Richard wrote down the address of the hotel."

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